67. Treffen: CDI, my precious!

Mi, 21.10.2015 · 19:00 Uhr · BA Dresden, Raum 3.004

Antonio Goncalves  

·  Software Architect + Java Champion

Antonio is a senior developer specialized in Java/Java EE. As a consultant he advises customers and helps them in defining and developing their software architecture. This Java Champion is also the founder of the very successful Paris JUG, Devoxx France and an independent JCP member on various JSRs (Java EE 6, Java EE 7, Java EE 8 and CDI 2.0). Based on his Java EE experiences, he has written three books covering Java EE 5, Java EE6 and recently Java EE 7 with Glassfish4

– Vortrag auf Englisch. –

In this session I’ll present CDI (Context & Dependency Injection), explain most of its concepts (injection, producers, alternatives, interceptors, decorators, events…), and also show you why CDI has become the leading Java EE specification. All this with a soft blend of slides and demos (demos that work of course). CDI 2.0 being in the starting blocks, I’ll end the session by giving you the roadmap of this new version.


Unter allen Teilnehmern verlosen wir das Buch „Professionell entwickeln mit Java EE 7“ (Rheinwerk Verlag, 2014). Das Buch wird freundlicherweise vom Rheinwerk Verlag zur Verfügung gestellt.



67. Treffen: CDI, my precious!

Mi, 21.10.2015 · 19:00 Uhr · BA Dresden, Raum 3.004

– Vortrag auf Englisch. –

In this session I’ll present CDI (Context & Dependency Injection), explain most of its concepts (injection, producers, alternatives, interceptors, decorators, events…), and also show you why CDI has become the leading Java EE specification. All this with a soft blend of slides and demos (demos that work of course). CDI 2.0 being in the starting blocks, I’ll end the session by giving you the roadmap of this new version.


Unter allen Teilnehmern verlosen wir das Buch „Professionell entwickeln mit Java EE 7“ (Rheinwerk Verlag, 2014). Das Buch wird freundlicherweise vom Rheinwerk Verlag zur Verfügung gestellt.



Antonio Goncalves  

·  Software Architect + Java Champion

Antonio is a senior developer specialized in Java/Java EE. As a consultant he advises customers and helps them in defining and developing their software architecture. This Java Champion is also the founder of the very successful Paris JUG, Devoxx France and an independent JCP member on various JSRs (Java EE 6, Java EE 7, Java EE 8 and CDI 2.0). Based on his Java EE experiences, he has written three books covering Java EE 5, Java EE6 and recently Java EE 7 with Glassfish4