(Virtuelles) 132. Treffen: jbang, a better java?

Do, 07.01.2021 · 19:00 Uhr · virtuell

Max Rydahl Andersen  

·  Red Hat

Works for Red Hat on the Quarkus project. Max has been working in professional open-source since early 2000's being a contributor to core projects like Hibernate, Hibernate Tools, WildFly, Seam and Ceylon. Max lead the team behind JBoss Tools and Developer Studio its first 10 years and been greatly involved in various tooling efforts.


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132. Treffen: jbang, a better java?



Please note: Session in English

Why should you need to download java, set up a build system and configure your IDE to just play with java and do some scripting and automation tasks? Why is there always this overhead and everyone seem to just accept it or go use another language?

jbang.dev questions this inherent complexity the Java ecosystem has built up over the 25 years.

Come to this talk to see Java be as accessible as you never have seen it before and how with a little bit of Java we make java fun again.


Unter allen Teilnehmern verlosen wir einmal das Buch “Maschinelles Lernen: Grundlagen und Algorithmen in Python” von Jörg Frochte, ein Exemplar von “Spring im Einsatz” von Craig Walls und einmal das Buch “SQL: Der Grundkurs für Ausbildung und Praxis” von Ralf Adams aus dem Carl Hanser Verlag. Der Verlag unterstützt unsere Veranstaltung als Preissponsor.

(Virtuelles) 132. Treffen: jbang, a better java?

Do, 07.01.2021 · 19:00 Uhr · virtuell


Die Aufzeichnung des Vortrages findest Du in unserem Vimeo Kanal.
132. Treffen: jbang, a better java?



Please note: Session in English

Why should you need to download java, set up a build system and configure your IDE to just play with java and do some scripting and automation tasks? Why is there always this overhead and everyone seem to just accept it or go use another language?

jbang.dev questions this inherent complexity the Java ecosystem has built up over the 25 years.

Come to this talk to see Java be as accessible as you never have seen it before and how with a little bit of Java we make java fun again.


Unter allen Teilnehmern verlosen wir einmal das Buch “Maschinelles Lernen: Grundlagen und Algorithmen in Python” von Jörg Frochte, ein Exemplar von “Spring im Einsatz” von Craig Walls und einmal das Buch “SQL: Der Grundkurs für Ausbildung und Praxis” von Ralf Adams aus dem Carl Hanser Verlag. Der Verlag unterstützt unsere Veranstaltung als Preissponsor.

Max Rydahl Andersen  

·  Red Hat

Works for Red Hat on the Quarkus project. Max has been working in professional open-source since early 2000's being a contributor to core projects like Hibernate, Hibernate Tools, WildFly, Seam and Ceylon. Max lead the team behind JBoss Tools and Developer Studio its first 10 years and been greatly involved in various tooling efforts.